Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hard Riddles For Kids

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Hard Riddles For Kids

Hey, guys! It's awesome Tasha here with my funny puzzles. Today there will be 3 kids' riddles probably you can't solve. The first riddle was really popular 2 years ago, the 2nd is rather popular now and the 3rd is brand-new. You've got only 10 seconds to solve each riddle. So without any further ado, let's get started.

Hard Riddles For Kids, this riddle was viral 2 years ago. It's actually a piece of cake for Hong Kong elementary students. What are the cars' parking spots' numbers? So, have you guessed? Maybe you tried to find a sequence or a pattern? All you have to do to solve this riddle is mentally return this picture and voila, the answer becomes obvious.

The second riddle is popular now. There are 10 fish are in a pond! 2 of them are drowning, 4 swim away, 3 are floating. How many fish are left? How many fish are left? All of them. Fish can't drown and they can't swim away 'cause they were in the pond. So all 10 fish are left. This riddle is a brand-new. Rome is a capital of Italy. Paris is a capital of France. The flight from Rome to Paris takes 1 hour and 20 minutes. But the flight back from Paris to Rome takes only 80 minutes.

How is it possible? Is it possible at all? Of course it is possible! 'Cause 1 hour and 20 minutes are much the same as 80 minutes. And that's all for today! Check my other videos, subscribe my channel to find out new puzzles, riddles and tests, and don't forget: Tasha is awesome.


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