Saturday, April 15, 2017

Better Kid Care On Demand

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Better Kid Care On DemandBetter Kid Care On Demand

Hello everyone, and welcome to thelet's move! Child care training opportunities and resources for cacfp sponsors webinar. we're so happy that you joined us today. My name is Ashton potter wright, and I am the operations manager for let's move! Child care. And we have a great webinar planned for you today, but before we get started, I just want to mention a couple of housekeeping the operator mentioned, we will take questions

Better Kid Care On Demand, at the end of the webinar, but you can submit questions throughout the webinar using the q&a feature. if you look at the top of the screen, where the cursor is, you should see the q&a button, and you can submit your questions here, or you can hold them to the end of the call and ask them through the operator. we likely won't get to all of the questions,

but we will try our best to answer as manyas we can. i'd also like to bring your attention to several handouts that we have posted foryour reference. if you see this button up here on the top right hand side of your screen  with three little pieces of paper called "handout," if you click on that there are several handouts,including the slides for today's presentation, that you can download at your convenienceduring the webinar. so, now on to our agenda. i will first provide you with a brief introductionand overview of let's move! child care. and then i'll turn it over to jill cox and claudiamincemoyer from penn state university, who will provide you with an overview of the betterkid care training module that features the let's move! child care best practices. andreafarmer, from usda, will then highlight some

additional resources of interest from teamnutrition before we take your questions. we'll go ahead and get started here. what is let'smove! child care? let's move! child care, or lmcc, is one of the sub-initiatives ofthe first lady's let's move! campaign and is a national voluntary web-based initiativethat supports child care providers to adopt best practices for obesity prevention in theearly care and education setting. the best practice areas include: physical activity,screen time, foods, beverages, and breastfeeding support. although recent data suggest thatoverweight and obesity among 2- to 5-year-olds is declining slightly, 23% of 2- to 5-year-oldsare still considered overweight or obese in the united states. because obese childrenare more likely to become obese adults and

because obesity puts children and adults atan increased risk for a host of chronic health conditions, this remains an important publichealth problem. it's important to target obesity prevention efforts at our youngest childrenbecause we know that habits form early, and prevention in elementary school age childrenis often too late for many. the early care and education setting represents a tremendousopportunity to reach young children, as child care has really become the norm in the unitedstates. approximately 11 million children spend 30 hours or more per week in care. andas sponsoring organizations you are uniquely positioned to help educate providers aboutobesity prevention best practices such as those promoted by let's move! child, as i mentioned briefly previously, the

five let's move! child care goal areas arefocused on increasing physical activity, reducing screen time, improving food and beverage offerings,and supporting mothers in their infant feeding decisions in the early care and educationenvironment. and it should be noted that the emphasis of let's move! child care is reallyon low cost or no cost and easy to implement obesity prevention practices. as jill andclaudia will discuss to you in just a moment, they've created training modules on each ofthe five goal areas, in addition to a module that provides an introduction to and overviewof let's move! child care. so now i'll briefly share with you the steps a provider shouldtake in order to become a recognized let's move! child care provider. the first stepis to sign up at,

and by signing up they'll receive our newsletters,new resources, tips, and the latest updates from the initiative. providers should lookfor the take action box, highlighted here on our web site, this is from the home pageof the web site, and it should be noted that sponsors can also sign up to receive updates.once providers are signed up, they can take the online check list quiz to see which goalsthey're meeting and which ones they still need to work toward. the check list quiz isavailable in both english and spanish. providers can build an action plan to make changes intheir program and reach all the best practices in each of the five goal areas. action planningis really an important step to help providers make changes in their programs, but it shouldbe noted that providers really choose the

areas that they'd like to work on as a partof this process. we recommend starting small and starting with whatever's going to be easiest,and then build on those small successes. sample action plans are also available for providersto follow when creating their own action plan on our web site. there are a number of freeonline resources on our web site to help you help providers make changes, and i'll highlighta few specific resources of interest in just a moment. so, once providers have made changesin their program they should come back to the web site and re-take the check list quizand record that they're meeting all of the best practices. by doing so, they can becomea recognized let's move! child care provider. recognized providers earn a provider recognitionaward, as shown here on the left, and are

showcased on our interactive let's move! childcare map on our web site. when providers start to make progress with making changes in theirfacilities we really encourage them to share their successes in the form of success stories.also, if you as a sponsor organization are working with providers who have implementedchanges, we suggest that you share your success as well. we will feature your story on thelet's move! child care web site. and these stories really help inspire other providersand sponsors who are working towards similar goals. just to recap, here's the completeprocess for signing up and participating in let's move! child care. once providers takethe quiz they should make an action plan, make changes, and be sure to come back tothe web site to re-take the quiz to indicate

they're meeting all of the best practicesin order to become a let's move! recognized provider. i mentioned the resources earlier,briefly, but now i'd like to highlight a few of the key sections of our resources. fromthe main page of our web site all of the resources can be found by clicking on the purple "beinspired" tab that you see circled here. there are a number of resources that can be accessedfrom our web site, including curricula, training videos, menu planning ideas, recipes, activitysheets, parent handouts, and much, much more. so, i strongly encourage you to check thoseout on our web site. one of the most relevant sections of the resource center that i'd liketo point out is the free online training page for providers. here you'll find a series ofarchived webinars, links to useful presentations,

and access to the let's move! child care onlinetraining modules that jill and claudia will highlight in just a moment. another importantresource is the slide sets for trainers section. here you will find six off-the-shelf, in-depthslide sets that provide an overview of let's move! child care and each of the five goalareas that trainers can use when working with and training providers. this is just a reminderthat all the resources that i've highlighted today can be found on our web site at if you have any questions or trouble accessing anything, please feel free to contact thehelp desk, which is many of you may already be aware, but the nationalcacfp sponsors association annual meeting will be held next month, april 22-24 in neworleans. and if you're interested in learning

more about let's move! child care there willbe a workshop devoted to it at the conference, so we hope that you'll join us if you're there.and now i will turn it over to jill and claudia. okay, great. thanks, ashton. we were reallypleased to be invited to participate in this webinar and share a little bit about whatwe're doing at better kid care and how we have collaborated with the let's move! childcare initiative. we're having a little trouble advancing our slides. there we go. our overallmission at better kid care is really to improve the quality and care of the educational practices,and we do that by providing professional development for early care and education professionals,but also for out of school type professionals caring for school age children. we have alot of different components to the penn state

better kid care program. we're going to betalking mostly today about our on demand self-directed learning, but i wanted to point out that wealso have a lot of print ready professional development resources, we have instructormodules that are available on our web site, we provide a monthly e-newsletter, and we'realso involved in social media, we're on facebook and twitter. what jill and i are going todo is highlight the on demand self-directed learning that's available from better kidcare. and here's just a little information that you're seeing on the screen about betterkid care. in 2011 we launched a new online learning system that we're calling on demand.right now we have more than 140 individual on demand, we call them "lessons" or "modules."they provide either one or two hours of professional

development credit, most of them provide twohours, and all of the let's move! child care modules provide two hours of professionaldevelopment. after you've gone through and taken the lesson you do get a certificateof completion after the assessment, we have ceus available after you've completed thelessons, and we're accepted for cda formal education hours. and we've also gone throughthe process of becoming approved for professional development in many different states, notjust pennsylvania, i think we're up to about 25 now, where we're either approved throughstate licensing or the qris system, the quality improvement system, in those states. rightnow we have users in all 50 states and 25 countries, and more than 42,000 child careproviders or early care and education and

school age have completed more than 160,000lessons. so, we think we're filling a real need with this online learning for professionaldevelopment credit. we have a lot of different topics in the system. you'll see, they'recoded there, the topics that we have for early care and education are on the screen now.we're going to focus today on health, safety, and nutrition, but we also have online lessonsin child growth and development, the environment and curriculum, family engagement and support,observation and supervision as well, and professionalism and leadership, and today we're going to focuson the let's move! child care modules. everything that we'll talk about in the webinar todayis available on our web site, you're seeing a screen shot of that now, and the buttonthat takes you to on demand is in the left

margin, that's a blue button that says "ondemand web lessons." and we're not actually live, i have screen shots, but we're goingto go through actually logging on and looking at some of the let's move! child care lessons.the first thing you do is create a free account. this is the screen you'll see, you're eithera new customer or you already have an e-mail address and password in our system. it's freeto do that. once you do that you'll come to the main menu page, and if i could scrollyou would scroll that blue scroll bar and you would be able to look at all 140 lessons,or you can look at the green menu on the left and you can sort by a lot of different can look at everything that's new. you can look at what's in progress, what you'vestarted but haven't completed yet in your

account. you can sort by lesson series orcourse. you can sort by the cda code, by our core body of knowledge, which are the knowledgeareas that i showed in the previous slide. you can sort by those lessons that are justappropriate for school age professionals. you can also go into the discussion can look at the lessons that are available in spanish. we have, right now, 19 lessonsin spanish, and are completing probably about 25 more. you can also look at what lessonsyou've completed. what we're going to do today is click where the blue arrow is, where itsays "lesson series or courses," and that's an easy way to find the let's move! childcare lessons. and when i took this screen shot we only had two lessons launched fora total of four hours of professional development,

and i think jill will talk a little bit more,that we now have four lessons in the series launched. so we would click on the let's move!child care and you'll see we come to the titles now, you'll see the four lessons that areavailable there, the introduction, the lesson on physical activity, the lesson on screentime, and the lesson in infant feeding. and what you would do now is select whicheverone you wanted to take and it will take you right to the beginning of the lesson content.and i'll switch slides and then turn it over to jill, who's going to talk in a little moredetail about the let's move! lessons. okay, thanks, claudia. it's a pleasure to be witheveryone this afternoon and to have a chance to tell you a little bit more about the let'smove! child care lessons and our on demand

system. what you're looking at here is theoverview page for the introductory lesson, and as ashton and claudia have said, thereare six total lessons. we have the introduction and then one lesson for each of the five bestpractice areas. so, at the beginning of each lesson you're going to have a page like thisthat gives you the lesson overview and tells you exactly what you can expect from thatlesson, and then beneath that is some basic lesson information that just gives you anidea about some of the technical aspects of going through the lesson. and you'll see justbelow that there's a blue link for a notes page, and each lesson has that, so that atthe beginning the person who's taking the lesson can click on that and have a notespage available to keep track of anything that

they want to write down or just keep on filethat they've learned from the lesson. and then each lesson has its own specific lessonobjectives related to whatever the topic area is. in each of the lessons we have some ofthe content that's there in text, but we also like to use video. and unfortunately, we aren'table to show you any actual video today, but we did just want to give you a little tasteof what you might be seeing in the lesson. here is a video that will cover the backgroundinformation related to obesity incidence, and each of the videos are going to be varyingin length, this one is a short one that's just three minutes or so long and covers thebackground information on obesity trends. we feel like this makes it much more interactiveand dynamic. and that way it isn't just a

matter of reading through text, we also havesome pictures that are there from best practice sites as well. this particular video actuallyshows some footage from the best practice sites. we were actually able to visit fourtotal best practice sites; three of them were center-based and one was a family care provider.and the three center-based were in d.c., delaware, and maryland, and then the family-based providerwas in pennsylvania. we've included interview footage with directors and providers and otherstaff, who have shared their ideas and the things that have been successful that they'vebeen able to implement regarding let's move! child care in their program, and having beenthe person that actually was able to make the site visits, i found it to be tremendouslyexciting to see how they've been able to implement

the best practices and the steps that they'veactually taken to improve the health and well being of the children for whom they care.and i just want to take a second here to say that in talking to the directors and the providers,the recurring theme was that let's move! child care really provides a wonderful framework,with steps that are very doable, very practical, and it makes it so that it isn't overwhelming.because many times it's difficult for providers and directors to know exactly where to startto implement healthy practices within their institutions, but this gives them basic, practical,doable steps that can be done in a step wise fashion, and i think it wasn't as overwhelmingas it might have been without that. and i think the other thing that really works wellis that it covers not only programmatic things

that can be done, but there's also environmentaland policy areas that can be addressed as well. and i do just want to mention that inthe interview that i had with the family-based provider, she talked about how important beinga part of the food program was in her being able to implement, particularly serving thehealthy foods, that that was very helpful for her. we also like to provide some reflectionactivities, and this particular one here is from the increase physical activity what we're asking participants to do is to think about their own physical activityand to consider ways that they might be able to improve that. we know that educators andstaff are all important role models for the children for whom they care, and so it's importantfor them to take a look at how they are doing

in terms of being in that role model position,and then ways that they can make improvements and also do more with the children to be physicallyactive. and the pictures that you're seeing on the screen here are from the best practicesites are some great examples of providers who are being physically active along withthe children. we also include video footage with interviews with experts, and we feellike that's important and interesting, and provides up to date information for peopletaking the lesson. you see here dr. cole galloway, who's doing some really fascinating researchwith children with limited mobility, and in the physical activity lesson we have a veryinteresting interview video with dr. galloway, and also dr. craft from suny in cortland,new york, talking about how to include children

with physical limitations in physical activity.and then in the bottom right of this screen you'll see karen foard, who is an internationalboard certified lactation consultant. her interview is included in the support infantfeeding lesson that was just recently launched, and she does a wonderful job of giving upto date recommendations, not just for providers, but things that can also be shared with mothersand other family members within the program. so we feel like this is a very important partof the lesson as well. at the end of each lesson we have, in all but one of the lessonswe've provided video footage that covers the resources that are available on the let'smove! child care web site. and this really goes into more detail into some of the thingsthat ashton referred to in her part of the

presentation, all the good resources thatare provided through and linked to from the let's move! web site. so, it's really helpfulto give everybody just a little sampling of what's available there so that when they goto the web site they know what they're looking for. the one lesson that doesn't have thevideo footage goes through that in text format. there are also additional resources that havebeen provided and developed here at better kid care, and so here are two that are foundin the limit screen time lesson. one is a research to practice tip page that's alsoavailable on our web site, but this is linked to and is available right in the lesson andcan be downloaded and shared with parents and with the staff at the center. it coverssome information about the use of technology

and media in child care, and we know thatthe recommendations for that are changing, because there's so much more happening inthe world of technology and media these days. there's also a screen time tracker that we'vedeveloped, and this is something that can be downloaded and shared with families aswell, because it isn't just what happens within the child care setting, but what happens athome as well. so we feel like that's an important thing to highlight. then at the end of eachlesson the participant receives a notice that they've finished the lesson, and then theyhave the opportunity to go on and take the assessment. i'm going to turn it back to claudiahere and she'll tell you more about that part of the lesson. okay, thanks for the overview,jill. up until this point everything in our

online system for all of the lessons is availableat no charge to the user, until this point. if a person or a participant does want professionaldevelopment credit they need a certificate of completion, it's at this point where weask them to pay $5 a lesson. so when we would click on that blue begin assessment buttonthere, it will bring up this screen that you're seeing now. you have two options to purchasean assessment. you can pay by credit card for that lesson only, the one you've justcompleted, or you can purchase multiple lessons in the form of a prepayment code. so, if you'rethe one who's responsible for professional development, you may want to purchase multiplelessons. the system will then give you a code and you can share that code with the providersor the professionals who are going to actually

take the lesson. by doing that, you also havethe option to receive an e-mail every time someone uses your code, and it will tell youthe person's name and which lesson they just completed, and it will give you an updateon your code. so it's a little bit like a transcript that you're able to go in any timeand kind of keep track of who's completed lessons using your code. this was somethingwe added later because we had a lot of child care center directors who wanted this feature,and it seems to be working very well. you can also then go in and re-load your prepaymentcode, so you would keep the same code. you would just go in and say i want to purchaseadditional lessons. and again they're still at a very reasonable price, at only $5 a lesson.once you pay the $5, it will take you into

the assessment. this one you see we're onquestion two, so we've already answered a question. the question says, "research showsthat obesity may contribute to all of the following except," and this user selected"sleep apnea." that answer is incorrect. so, as you can see on the right hand side of thepage it says, "please try again," and if you need to review lesson information relatedto the question, you have the option to review the content. and so if you look where thatblue arrow is pointing and you click on the words "review content," it takes you backinto the lesson where that concept or question was talked about. and then you'll see, it'sa little difficult to see, but where the arrow is pointing it says "return to the assessment,"so after you've re-read that you can return

to the assessment and now you have a chanceagain to answer that question correctly. you cannot move on to the next question untilyou get the answer correct. when you do get the correct answer, a coaching comment, ora little reinforcing statement comes up, it says "correct," and i think you can read that,"new research shows that obesity in childhood can actually improve cognitive development."so we kind of are reinforcing what they have just learned, and then they're able to moveon to the next question. we also have in some of the lessons, and in some of the let's move!child care lessons specifically, a retrospective assessment where we can look at, it's stillself-report, but the knowledge or the attitudes of the user after they've completed the lesson,and then we ask them to think back to before

they completed the lesson and what did theythink. and so that's another new feature that we're adding to our lessons, is the retrospective.we also have an opportunity for the learner to type an open-ended response. we asked themto share something that they learned from the lesson that they plan to use in theirprogram. and this feature has given us some wonderful, qualitative, narrative comments,and i put a few up on the screen, what users are saying, and you can read those. i thinkthose are some really impactful statements that you're looking at about the significanceof the role of child care providers and some of the specifics that they learned, the lastone about family style dining. i think these are going to give us some good feedback onthe lessons and where people are learning,

as well as an opportunity for them to thinkabout what they learned and how they might be able to use it. we have two evaluationquestions that are after every lesson. we ask: how much did you learn, and how muchof what you learned will you be able to use with the children or families in your care?here i have, when i took this screen shot you can see we had 105 people at that timewho had completed the introduction, and 42 who had completed the physical activity. rightnow we have more than that. we've had 239 who have completed the intro, and 110 thephysical activity, and then we've added the other two, so, so far i think there's beenalmost 375 completions of the lessons. all of the evaluations have been above 3.0 ona 4.0 scale, you can see the scale at the

bottom, so we're getting pretty good feedbackfrom our participants thus far. when they finished taking the evaluation, the assessment,and answered all the questions correctly, they have the option now to go back to thelesson information screen. and it's from this screen that they are able now to either, youcan see the status of the lesson is completed, they could go back in and review the entirelesson again, but the user is not allowed to take the assessment again. they can't geta certificate for taking the lesson twice. you can display or print your can have the certificate e-mailed to you if your printer isn't set correctly. we also,we're not going to talk too much about it, but you do have the opportunity, once youcomplete a lesson, to join a discussion forum

with other learners, and that's moderatedby staff here at better kid care. act 48 is for pennsylvania school teachers, and youcan also request ceus, or you can go back to the lesson list and select another lesson.this is the professional development certificate that you can either print or have e-mailedto you. it has a description. it has the number of hours. it has the cda code. it also has,if you look in the lower left corner, this one says "washington content areas," we'redoing some specific coding for specific states and once we've been approved then they havespecific content codes or something that's unique to their system and we've been ableto put that on our certificates as well. this is the ceu form. you can download it fromour web site. ten hours of lessons equals

one ceu. we try not to process these for anythingless than a half a ceu. there is no charge for us to process the ceus. the $5 lessonfee will cover the ceu as well. this is, again, a screen shot of our web site, and you cansee the on demand web lessons, and that's what we just featured. off to the right there'sa link that says, "health, safety, and nutrition," and if you click there you'll be able to seeall the resources that are available around health, safety, and nutrition topics, researchto practice tip pages, there's lunch ideas, snack ideas, lots of resources, so i wouldencourage you to look. we're not going to spend time today exploring that. and theni would say we're also on facebook and twitter, so you can follow us, you can join us, likeour page. we do a lot of announcements through

facebook about new lessons. we also have ane-newsletter that you can sign up to receive monthly as well. i think that's all for us.we're going to wait until andrea's finished to take questions. so, i will turn it overnow to andrea farmer. thank you, claudia, and welcome, everyone. i'm sure that manyof you are already familiar with team nutrition and our resources. one of the things i wantto show you today is how usda supports cacfp by also making available materials from lotsof other sources, including resources for incorporating physical activity in child caresettings. team nutrition is supported by the usda's national agricultural library, whichmaintains a healthy meals resource system, and you can see the home page for that here.this is a great web site that provides hundreds

and hundreds of resources for many differentagencies and organizations. to hone in on resources related to child care, you can clickthe link on the right hand side and go to the cacfp wellness resources for child careproviders. this pulls together resources available in the whole healthy meals resource system,but it pulls out those that are more for child care providers and cacfp. so you see thatthere are tabs here related to nutrition, physical activity, electronic media use, andalso there are tab sections that just show how to create healthy child care for today we're going to focus on physical activity and what's available in that sectionof this web site. when you click on physical activity you'll see that there's two sub-sections:maintaining an active environment, and activities

and tools. when you click on maintaining anactive environment, that will then take you to the number of resources under that section.and these are typically guidance materials and curricula to help centers or homes setup and maintain programs that include physical activity. so you'll see near the top thatit does include a link to the let's move! child care, and at the bottom i just wantto point out that another thing that we have on here are links to various trainings thatare available. so, this particular one is bright futures, and after today i will makesure that we have some links to take you to the better kid care trainings. then the secondsub-section, activities and tools, when you click on this you see that this is reallyactually more hands-on activities that providers

can use with children. so, again, all of thoseresources available on the healthy meals resource system can be downloaded for free, and thisgives you the web site that you can go to, to find it: movingon, just to point out a couple of things about our team nutrition materials, this is ourteam nutrition home page. it has changed over the last couple of months if you haven't beenon it recently. from the home page you can go to our resource library, which lists outall of the materials available from team nutrition. so, when you click on that page and you seeteam nutrition resources, you have to scroll down to see what's available. and there aretwo pages, it's all in alphabetical order, so you can scroll through to find what you'relooking for. now, how do you get the team

nutrition resources? well, everything on theteam nutrition resource library is again available to download for free, and that web site from the team nutrition resource library you can click on whateverit is that you're interested in, so if we look at "nutrition and wellness tips for youngchildren," our provider handbook for the cacfp, clicking on that will bring you to a pagethat gives you the details about that particular resource. so, hopefully all of you are familiarwith this resource already, it's been out for a while, but if you're not i want to encourageyou to, after i go through and tell you how you can order it, i want to encourage youto go ahead and either download the pdf or order a print copy. okay, and as you clickfurther on that page this shows you all the different pdfs that are available that arethe individual sections of that particular resource. so you would go through and, again,these are all downloadable pdfs so you can pick what you want. i also wanted to highlightthat there are four sections of this resource that have to do with physical activity andalso limiting screen time. now, you'll notice up above there, where it has "available onpdf," in this case it also says that a free print copy is available. some of the resourceson our web site are only available as pdfs and then some of them are in pdfs and alsoavailable in print copies. if you want to order a print copy, they can be ordered onlineusing the resource order form that is found at the team nutrition web site, or throughthe web site for ntis (,Better Kid Care On Demand

which is the warehouse that manages our resources.and i just want to point out that print materials from team nutrition are free to anyone thatparticipates in a child nutrition program, so a child care center, family child careproviders, sponsoring organizations, you may order these materials for free if you participatein cacfp. and back on our team nutrition web site, on the left you would click on resourceorder form and that would pull up the form for you to be able to order materials, there is a quantity limit on ordering from the resource order form, but sponsoringorganizations and state agencies can order our materials in bulk. so, if you want toorder more than it says that you can on the order form, you can e-mail us at teamnutrition@fns.usda.govand we will be happy to supply what you need.

we encourage sponsors to order these materialsin bulk and use them for their homes and centers. so, once again, to contact team nutritionabout any information or questions or to order materials you can contact us at we're going to open up the session for questions and answers, so we first want tocheck with the operator about taking questions over the phone. thank you. (operator instructions)one moment, please for the first question. your first question comes from the line of miqueas gomez. please goahead. good morning. hi, i was wondering if you get certified as a group, like as a sponsoryou can certify a group of people all taking and completing a course, or lessons in bundles,or it has to be individual? i'm assuming you're talking about the better kid care lessons.they have to be done individually. everyone

has their own account and in order to receivea certificate they have to log on individually and have their own account. thank you.okay, thank you. your next question comes from the line of karen lam. please go ahead.i'm sorry, i have the same question as the person who just called. thank you. okay. itis possible that you could do lesson as a group, but then everyone would still needto log on individually and take the assessment. you could review content as a group. yournext question comes from the line of susan arthur. please go ahead. yes, i'm wonderingif the better kid care on demand ceu is approved in california. we are not approved in california.we had a lot of difficulty navigating the system, although we have users from california.okay, thank you. someone also asked about

approval in oregon, we've not sought approvalin oregon. most of the time we will be listed on the state licensing web site if they haveput us on that site. if not, feel free to e-mail me to ask if your state is one of theapproved states. we haven't sought approval in all states yet. we're working through that.ceus, i think are approved nationally. we're talking about approval through state licensingor the qris system. ohio, we are approved in ohio. we're approved in ohio. we have notsought approval in d.c., but we are approved in maryland, so i'm not sure about that one.and at this time there are no further questions from the phone lines.katherine asked: "if you buy a number of quizzes do we give the family care provider the authorizationnumbers?" if you're pre-purchasing lessons,

yes, you would give them the pre-payment codeand then indicate which lessons you would like them to complete. amanda, you asked ifwe're approved in washington. yes, we are -- or wisconsin, yes. linda asked about thecost for a ceu. i'll repeat that, there is no additional cost for processing the ceusthrough penn state. are we approved in new hampshire? we are in the process of approvalin new hampshire. we're in the process of approval in new york. sandy, you asked isthere an additional cost? no, the cost is for the professional development certificate,so there is no additional cost. montana, we have not sought approval yet. i'm lookingat my list. in tennessee we're approved through licensing, so yes, we are approved. florida,we're definitely approved. illinois, we are.

did i miss any of the states there? texas.texas, we have not sought approval because they do have a state online system throughcooperative extension. so we do have users from texas, we just haven't gone through theprocess there. we are approved in illinois, yes. what might be helpful is i can e-mailout the status of our approvals to people who are on the call today. i think that mightbe helpful. claudia, this is andrea. can i jump in and answer the question that cameup? sure. somebody apparently tried to order some of our team nutrition materials in bulkand e-mailed the address and said they never received a response. our general procedureis that you would receive a response when you e-mail team nutrition, that mailbox, soi apologize that you didn't get a response.

you see the slide that's up now with my nameand my e-mail address, if you will forward me a copy of your e-mail that you sent toteam nutrition, i can check into it for you and make sure that it is being processed.but, in general you should receive a response, and the person that handles it is usuallyvery good at that, but sometimes we do have lapses if people are gone, so i would justrecommend for anyone that if you don't get a response back, go ahead and follow up andsee if the order is being processed. thank you. we have a couple more questions cominginto the queue here. someone asked about the qris approval in ohio. our online lessonsin ohio can be used to meet 10 hours of general licensing, but right now ohio's step up toquality system does not accept online professional

development. the on demand lessons do notneed to be completed all at once. you can start and then when you go back in the systemremembers where you were in that particular lesson. ceus, we've not sought approval inmassachusetts yet. andrea, there's another question there for you as well. yes, i seethat about the average turnaround time for delivery when ordering bulk orders for a sponsoringorganization. we generally say to allow between two and four weeks delivery time. if you reallyneed something sooner, we can try to put a rush on it. but generally we like to haveat least two to four weeks advanced notice for a bulk order. we see a question abouthow do you find out about a state that's in the process of being approved, when that getsapproval. we're hopeful that we're listed

on the state licensing or their qris system.otherwise, we have not really put a general announcement about that on our web site, butare considering doing that as well. we really let the states do the promotion. but it'sa very good question and we're considering putting a listing on our web site. someonesaid, can we obtain a copy of the presentation? i believe that the webinar is being recorded,as well as you can download the slides up in the handout section of the presentation.katherine, i'm not sure if i understand your question. "if a provider takes notes or givesideas can they print out the answers so they can save these?" maybe she means on the notespages, which, yes, that's possible to download that and print it out. do we have any othercalls on the phone? no questions from the

phone lines. okay. chantel said, "do you approachthe state for approval of trainings, or does the state have to approach you?" how we'vedone that, we've approached the states and we have some funding through the departmentof defense where they have identified 13 states, and we've just recently added 4 more, so thoseare the states we started with, and then we've continued and as we work through some of thedifferent processes in the states we're adding more. so that's how our initial grouping wasidentified for us in states with military rich communities. kansas is approved. yes,we have users from kansas. andrea, do you know where the my plates can be purchased?there's a question about - i do not. no, that's not a team nutrition resource. we don't makeplates like that. but i would suggest going

to the web site. it is throughusda, just not through team nutrition. okay. a question about, "i was never able to seethe video." i'm guessing you mean you couldn't see the presentation and listened on the phone."what is the web site for the assessment?" i'm assuming you maybe mean for the betterkid care on demand. if you just google better kid care, that's probably the easiest wayto do it. the next question asks about suggestions for healthy celebration for children. andashton, maybe you can think of a specific resource that's on the web site, but i knowthat several of the links that are there would take you to places that would offer informationabout that. yes, i would suggest going to the let's move! child care web site and clickingon the purple be inspired tab, and i believe

we have several ideas for healthy celebrationsunder the nutrition section. okay, and paula you asked: "how long after you complete atraining do you have to purchase a certificate?" really, indefinitely you could complete thetraining and then go back in at any time and take the assessment and receive your certificate.and you don't pay the $5 fee until you're ready to take the assessment. we have aboutthree more minutes, if anyone has additional questions. or, if we missed yours, pleasetype it in again. i see someone did answer about the my plate plates. i believe it'slearning zonexpress and bebetter health both have plates, so those would be plates forpurchase. there was also a question about engaging staff in child care centers. and i think some of the informationthat's within the lessons would be helpful

in that regard. i think that's a great questionbecause it's very important to have the staff be bought in, whether they're the food servicedirectors or the providers, everybody can have a part in being a role model. and sothere are some activities that are included in the lessons to help encourage the staffto do that. and one more update on the plates. apparently walmart has plastic, reusable myplate plates. oklahoma, we have not sought approval through licensing. ricki asked thatquestion. a question from paula: "can you pay for all the certificates at one time foreach person?" you can pre-pay for as many lessons as you want at a time and you'll getone code. you won't get a separate code for each person, so you would need to monitorthat internally if you give the code to more

than one person. "where can the recordingof this meeting be found?" i believe ashton is going to send it out. ashton, is that correct?yes, and it will also be posted, so a webcast is being recorded of this webinar, and ina couple of weeks we will have it posted to our web, specifically under the free online trainings for providers section, there's a webinar sectionthere and it will be archived there. katherine, you asked: "is there a place where we canshow the states that we were pre-paying these lessons?" yes, you'll get a receipt. you willbe e-mailed a receipt that will tell you what was charged to your credit card. and if youhave any questions about pre-purchasing, feel free to call or e-mail me and we can workthrough that. great, well, it looks like we're

just about at the end of the hour. i wantto thank you all for joining today. again, our contact information is on this last slide,of all the presenters who spoke today. and just a reminder to please be sure and checkout this handout section in the top right corner of your screen, you can download theslides for today's presentation, as well as some other important handouts that we've postedfor you there. so, again, thank you for joining, and we hope you have a wonderful rest of theday.



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